// chapter14 // example14.10 // page 305 Rc=500 // ohm Rin=1d3 // ohm // gain of second stage is 60 since it has no loading effect of any stage so Av2=60 load1=Rc*Rin/(Rc+Rin) Av1=Av2*load1/Rc Av=Av1*Av2 printf("total gain = %.3f \n",Av) printf("comment : gain of one stage=60.So total gain should be 60*60=%d but here it is %.3f.\nThis is because of loading effect of input impedence of second stage on first stage. \n",60*60,Av) printf("So gain of first stage decreases.\nHowever, second stage has no loading effect of any next stage.So its gain does not decrease. \n") // the accurate answer for total gain is 2400 but in book it is given as 2397