//Example No. 4_16 //Condition and Stability //Pg No. 82 clear ; close ; clc ; C1 = 7.00 ; C2 = 3.00 ; m1 = 2.00 ; m2 = 2.01 ; x = (C1 - C2)/(m2 - m1) y = m1*((C1 - C2)/(m2 - m1)) + C1 disp(y,'y = ',x,'x = ') disp('Changing m2 from 2.01 to 2.005') m2 = 2.005 x = (C1 - C2)/(m2 - m1) y = m1*((C1 - C2)/(m2 - m1)) + C1 mprintf('\n x = %i \n y = %i \n From the above results we can see that for small change in m2 results in almost 100 percent change in the values of x and y.Therefore, the problem is absolutely ill-conditioned \n',x,y)