//Example No. 4_01 //Greatest precision //Pg No. 63 clear ; close ; clc ; a = '4.3201' b = '4.32' c = '4.320106' na = length(a)-strindex(a,'.') mprintf('\n %s has a precision of 10^-%i\n',a,na) nb = length(b)-strindex(b,'.') mprintf('\n %s has a precision of 10^-%i\n',b,nb) nc = length(c)-strindex(c,'.') mprintf('\n %s has a precision of 10^-%i\n',c,nc) [n,e] = max(na,nb,nc) if e ==1 then mprintf('\n The number with highest precision is %s\n',a) elseif e == 2 mprintf('\n The number with highest precision is %s\n',b) else mprintf('\n The number with highest precision is %s\n',c) end