//scilab 5.4.1 clear; clc; printf("\t\t\tProblem Number 11.8\n\n\n"); // Chapter 11 : Heat Transfer // Problem 11.8 (page no. 561) // Solution deltaX=4/12; //4 inch = 6/12 feet //deltaX=length //unit:ft A=7*2; //area //area=hight*width //unit:ft^2 k=0.090; //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft*F) //k=proportionality constant //k=thermal conductivity for fir //From the table Rfir=deltaX/(k*A); //Resistance of fir //Unit:(hr*F)/Btu printf("For fir,\n"); printf("The resistance is %f (hr*F)/Btu\n\n",Rfir); deltaX=4/12; //4 inch = 6/12 feet //deltaX=length //unit:ft A=7*2; //area //area=hight*width //unit:ft^2 k=0.065; //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft*F) //k=proportionality constant //k=thermal conductivity for pine //From the table Rpine=deltaX/(k*A); //Resistance of pine //Unit:(hr*F)/Btu printf("For pine,\n"); printf("The resistance is %f (hr*F)/Btu\n\n",Rpine); deltaX=4/12; //4 inch = 6/12 feet //deltaX=length //unit:ft A=7*2; //area //area=hight*width //unit:ft^2 k=0.025; //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft*F) //k=proportionality constant //k=thermal conductivity for corkboard //From the table Rcorkboard=deltaX/(k*A); //Resistance of corkboard //Unit:(hr*F)/Btu printf("For corkboard,\n"); printf("The resistance is %f (hr*F)/Btu\n\n",Rcorkboard); Roverall=inv(inv(Rfir)+inv(Rpine)+inv(Rcorkboard)); printf("The overall resistance is %f (hr*F)/Btu\n\n",Roverall); T1=60; //temperature maintained at one face //unit:fahrenheit T2=80; //tempetature maintained at other face //unit:fahrenheit deltaT=T2-T1; //Change in temperature //unit:fahrenheit Qtotal=deltaT/Roverall; //Q=Total Heat loss //Unit:Btu/hr; //ohm's law (fourier's equation) printf("Total Heat loss from the wall is %f Btu/hr\n",abs(Qtotal)); //As a check, Qfir=deltaT/Rfir; //Q=Fir Heat loss //Unit:Btu/hr; //ohm's law (fourier's equation) printf("Heat loss from the wall made of fir is %f Btu/hr\n",abs(Qfir)); Qpine=deltaT/Rpine; //Q=Pine Heat loss //Unit:Btu/hr; //ohm's law (fourier's equation) printf("Heat loss from the wall made of pine is %f Btu/hr\n",abs(Qpine)); Qcorkboard=deltaT/Rcorkboard; //Q=corkboard Heat loss //Unit:Btu/hr; //ohm's law (fourier's equation) printf("Heat loss from the wall made of corkboard is %f Btu/hr\n",abs(Qcorkboard)); Qtotal=Qfir+Qpine+Qcorkboard; //Total Heat loss from the wall //unit:Btu/hr printf("Total Heat loss from the wall is %f Btu/hr\n",abs(Qtotal));