//scilab 5.4.1 clear; clc; printf("\t\t\tProblem Number 11.24\n\n\n"); // Chapter 11 : Heat Transfer // Problem 11.24 (page no. 601) // Solution //A COUNTERFLOW HEAT EXCHANGER //Hot oil enters at 215 F and leaves at 125 F //Water enters the unit at 60 F and leaves at 90 F //Therefore,From figure 11.34, thetaA=215-90; //the greatest temperature difference between the fluids(at either inlet or outlet) //Unit:fahrenheit thetaB=125-60; //the least temperature difference between the fluids(at either inlet or outlet) //Unit:fahrenheit deltaTm=(thetaA-thetaB)/log(thetaA/thetaB); //logarithmic mean temperature difference //Unit:fahrenheit //From the oil data, m=400*60; //mass //Unit:lb/sec //1 min=60 sec Cp=0.85; //Specific heat of the oil //Unit:Btu/(lb*F) deltaT=215-125; //Change in temperature //Unit:fahrenheit Q=m*Cp*deltaT //The heat transfer //Unit:Btu/hr //Q=U*A*deltaTm U=40;//The overall coefficient of heat transfer of the unit //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft^2*F) A=Q/(U*deltaTm); //Umit:ft^2 //The outside surface area printf("The outside surface area required is %f ft^2",A);