//scilab 5.4.1 clear; clc; printf("\t\t\tProblem Number 11.20\n\n\n"); // Chapter 11 : Heat Transfer // Problem 11.20 (page no. 588) // Solution //The upper temperature is given as 120 F and the temperature difference is Ti=120; //Inside temperature //unit:fahrenheit To=70; //Outside temperature //unit:fahrenheit deltaT=120-70; //unit:fahrenheit //Change in temperature //Using figure 11.28, hrdash=1.18; //factor for radiation coefficient //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft^2*F) Fe=1; //Emissivity factor to allow for the departure of the surfaces interchanging heat from complete blackness;Fe is a function of the surface emissivities and configurations FA=0.79; //geometric factor to allow for the average solid angle through which one surface "sees" the other hr=Fe*FA*hrdash; //The radiation heat-transfer coefficient for the pipe //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft^2*F) printf("The radiation heat-transfer coefficient for the pipe is %f Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)\n",hr); //As a check,Using the results of problem 11.17, printf("As a check,using the results of problem 11.17,\n"); D=3.5/12; //3.5 inch = 3.5/12 feet//Unit:ft //Outside diameter L=5; //Length //Unit:ft //From problem 11.10 A=(%pi*D)*L; //Area //Unit:ft^2 Q=214.5; //heat loss //Unit:Btu/hr hr=Q/(A*deltaT); //The radiation heat-transfer coefficient for the pipe //Unit:Btu/(hr*ft^2*F) //Newton's law of cooling printf("The radiation heat-transfer coefficient for the pipe is %f Btu/(hr*ft^2*F)\n",hr);