//Variable Declaration Bs1=4.2 //Signal Bandwidth(MHz) of Example 9.1 delf=2.56 //Deviation Ratio of Example 9.1 delF2=200 //Peak Deviation(kHz) of Example 9.2 Bs2=0.8 //Test tone frequency (kHz) of Example 9.2 //Calculation delF1=Bs1*delf //Peak Deviation(MHz) of Example 9.1 BIF1=2*(delF1+2*Bs1) //Signal Bandwidth(MHz) of Example 9.1 according to Carson's rule BIF2=2*(delF2+2*Bs2) //Signal Bandwidth(kHz) of Example 9.2 according to Carson's rule. //Results printf("Signal Bandwidth of Example 9.1 by Carsons rule is %.1f MHz",BIF1) printf("\nSignal Bandwidth of Example 9.2 by Carsons rule is %.1f kHz",BIF2)