//function to calculate the water flow rate //V(1) = water flow rate at 1 in m/s //V(2) = water flow rate at 2 in m/s //**Already defined variables** //A(1) = cross-sectional area 1 in m^2 //A(2) = cross-sectional area 2 in m^2 //h = vertical height difference in water level in m (h(2)-h(1)) //deltaP = difference in pressure in N/m^2 (P(2)-P(1)) //density = density of fluid in kg/m^3 g = 9.8 //acceleration due to gravity in m/s^2 function [f] = Bernauli (V) f = zeros(2,1) //equation of continuity f(1) = A(1)*V(1) - A(2)*V(2) //Bernauli's equation f(2) = (V(2)^2 - V(1)^2) + 2*g*h + 2*deltaP/density endfunction