//Given that g = 9.8 //in m/s^2 Radius = 1.5 * 10^-3 //in meter height = 1200 //in meter C_drag = 0.60 density_water = 1000 //in kg/m^3 density_air = 1.2 //in kg/m^3 //Sample Problem 6-5a printf("**Sample Problem 6-5a**\n") //v_t = sqrt(2*F_g/(C*density*A)) volume_drop = 4/3*%pi*Radius^3 mass_drop = density_water *volume_drop Area_drop = %pi *Radius^2 v_terminal = sqrt(2*mass_drop*g/(C_drag*density_air*Area_drop)) printf("The terminal velocity will be %f m/s\n", v_terminal) //Sample Problem 6-5b printf("\n**Sample Problem 6-5b**\n") v_without_drag = sqrt(2 *g * height) printf("The velocity just before the impact if there were no drag force would be %f m/s", v_without_drag)