//Given that c = 3*10^8 //in m/s e = 1.6*10^-19 conv = 3600*24 //day to sec conversion Pgen = 3400*10^6 //in W Pused = 1100*10^6 //in W fuel = 8.60*10^4 //in kg Q = 200*10^6*e //in J Uinitial = 8.6*10^4 //in kg M_u = 3.90*10^-25 //in kg/atom N = 5.70*10^4 p = 3/100 txt = mopen('Example44_2_result.txt','wt') //Sample Problem 44-2a mfprintf(txt, '**Sample Problem 44-2a**\n') eff = Pused/Pgen*100 mfprintf(txt, 'The efficiency of the power plant is %d\%\n', eff) //Sample Problem 44-2b mfprintf(txt, '\n**Sample Problem 44-2b**\n') R = Pgen/Q mfprintf(txt, 'The fissions in the reactor per second is %e\n', R) //Sample Proble 44-2c mfprintf(txt, '\n**Sample Problem 44-2c**\n') RateDay = (1+0.25)*R*M_u*conv mfprintf(txt, 'The uranium use in a day is equal to %fkg/day\n', RateDay) //Sample Problem 44-2d mfprintf(txt, '\n**Sample Problem 44-2d**\n') T = fuel*p/RateDay mfprintf(txt, 'The U will long for %ddays\n', T) //Sample Problem 44-2e mfprintf(txt, '\n**Sample Problem 44-2e**\n') MassConvRate = Pgen/c^2 mfprintf(txt, 'The mass conversion rate is %ekg/s', MassConvRate) mclose(txt)