exec('degree_rad.sci', -1) //Given that lambda = 22*10^-12 //in meter conv = 1.6*10^-19 //ev to J conversion factor E = 56*10^3*conv theta = dtor(85) //in rad h = 6.62*10^-34 //in J.s Me = 9.1*10^-31 //in kg c = 3*10^8 //in m/s //Sample Problem 39-4a printf("**Sample Problem 39-4a**\n") deltaL = h/(Me*c)*(1 - cos(theta)) printf("compton shift is equal to %1.2fpm\n", deltaL*10^12) //Sample Problem 39-4b printf("\n**Sample Problem 39-4b**\n") frac = deltaL/(lambda + deltaL) printf("The fraction of energy transfered is %1.3f", frac)