//Given that Xo = -20 //in cm m = -0.25 n = 1.65 //Sample Problem 35-3a printf("**Sample Problem 35-3a**\n") printf("The image is real real because m<0 as well as m<1\n") printf("The mens is converging because magnification is negative for real image\n") printf("The object is outside the focal length because m<1\n") printf("The image is on the opposite side of the image from the lens\n") printf("The image is erect\n") //Sample Problem 35-3b printf("\n**Sample Problem 35-3b**\n") f = Xo*m*Xo/(Xo-m*Xo) R = (n-1)*2*f printf("The radius of curvature of the lens is %1.2fcm", f)