//Given that n = 5.00 //in mol deltaT = 20 R = 8.31 //in J/mol.K //Sample Problem 20-7a printf("**Sample Problem 20-7a**\n") //For Helium Cv = 3/2*R Cp = Cv + R Q = n*Cp*deltaT printf("The heat added to the bubble is equal to %fJ\n", Q) //Sample Problem 20-7b printf("\n**Sample Problem 20-7b**\n") deltaEint = n*Cv*deltaT printf("The change in internal energy is equal to %fJ\n", deltaEint) //Sample Problem 20-7c printf("\n**Sample Problem 20-7c**\n") W = Q - deltaEint printf("The work done by the system is equal to %fJ", W)