//Given that t = poly(0, 't') A = -1.00-0.600*t+0.250*t^2 //Sample Problem 11-1a printf("**Sample Problem 11-1a**\n") Ts = [-3:0.5:6] As = horner(A, Ts) xset('window', 1) xtitle( 'angular variable for the disk v/s time', 'time(sec)', 'Y-axis') plot(Ts, As, 'm-o') //Sample Problem 11-1b printf("\n**Sample Problem 11-1b**\n") To = roots(derivat(A)) printf("At t=%fsec, theta approaches its minimum value equal to %f\n", To, horner(A, To)) //Sample Problem 11-1c printf("\n**Sample Problem 11-1c**\n") Os = horner(derivat(A), Ts) plot(Ts, Os, 'r-+') legend('theta(rad)', 'omega(rad/s)')