// Exa 7.4 format('v',7);clc;clear;close; // Given data voltsBYdiv = 2;//volts per division in V/div Timebase = 2;//base time in ms/div Verticaloccupancy = 3;//Vertical occupancy in cm Vpp = voltsBYdiv*Verticaloccupancy;//peak to peak voltage in V Vm = Vpp/2;// in V V_RMS = Vm/sqrt(2);//r.m.s. value of the voltage in V disp(V_RMS,"The r.m.s. value of the voltage in V is"); Horizontaloccupancy = 2;//Horizontal occupancy in cm timeBYdiv = 2;//time per division in mV timeBYdiv = timeBYdiv*10^-3;// in V T = timeBYdiv*Horizontaloccupancy;// in sec f = 1/T;// in Hz disp(f,"The frequency in Hz is");