// Exa 6.40 format('v',7);clc;clear;close; // Given data f = 2;// in kHz f = f * 10^3;// in Hz R2= 834;// in Ω C2= 0.124*10^-6;// in F XC2= 1/(2*%pi*f*C2);// in Ω R3= 100;// in Ω C4 = 0.1;// in µF C4 = C4*10^-6;// in F XC4= 1/(2*%pi*f*C4);// in Ω Z2= R2+%i*XC2;// in Ω Z3= R3;// in Ω Z4= -%i*XC4;// in Ω // The bridge balance condition Z1= Z2*Z3/Z4;// in Ω mag= abs(Z1);// magnitude of effective impedence in Ω theta= atand(imag(Z1),real(Z1));// phase angle of effective impedence in ° disp(mag,"The magnitude of effective impedence in Ω is : ") disp(theta,"The phase angle of effective impedence in ° is")