// Exa 5.9 format('v',7);clc;clear;close; // Given data //format() R1 = 10;// in k ohm R2 = 10;// in k ohm R3 = 10;// in k ohm E = 10;// in V // R2/R_V = R1/R3; R_V = (R2*R3)/R1;// in k ohm T=80;// in °C Rv=9;// in kΩ // Evaluation of error voltage by Thevenin's equivalent voltage e = E*( (R3/(R1+R3)) - (Rv/(R2+Rv)) );// in V // Evaluation of error voltage by approximation of slightly unbalanced bridge del_r = R_V-Rv;// in k ohm errorVoltage = (E*del_r)/(4*R1);// in V disp(T,"The temperature at which the bridge is balanced in °C is : "); disp(e,"The error voltage at 60 °C by Thevenin''s voltage in volts is : ") disp(errorVoltage,"The error voltage at 60 °C by approximation of slightly unbalanced bridge in Volts is ");