//Finding losses //Example 6.8(pg 215) clc clear m=10//mass in kg T1=20//total loss in watts f1=50//frequency in c/s T2=35//total loss in watts f2=75//frequency in c/s //both have same peak flux density //total loss=hysteresis loss+ Eddy current loss //all quantities except frequency are constant //so Total loss=Af+Bf^2 //let c1 and c2 be constants such that total loss=c1*f + c2*f^2 c2=[T2-(T1*f2/f1)]/(f2^2-f1*f2) c1=(T1-c2*f1^2)/f1 k=c1/c2//hysteresis loss/eddy current loss H50=T1*k/101//hysteresis loss at 50 c/s E50=T1-H50//eddy current loss at 50 c/s printf('Thus hysteresis loss at 50 c/s is %3.1f Watts \n',H50) printf('And Eddy current loss at 50c/s is %3.1f Watts',E50)