//Finding resistance //Example 15.38(pg. 417) clc clear //(a)Finding resistance between 2 ends l=1//length in m a=2.5*(10^-2)*0.05*(10^-2)//area of cross section in m^2 rho=1.724*(10^-8)//specific resistance of copper in ohm-m R=rho*l/a//resistance of the strip in ohm //(b) Finding resistance between 2 faces l1=0.05*(10^-2)//length in m a1=2.5*(10^-2)*1//area of cross section in m^2 R1=rho*l1/a1//resistance in ohm printf('Thus the resistance of the strip is %e ohms\n ',R) printf('And the resistance between the faces is %e ohms',R1)