clc clear //Combined seperating and throttling calorimeter Mw=8; //in kg M=63; //in kg Ms=M-Mw; //in kg P1=81.5; //Pressure after throttling in mm P2=754; //Barometer reading in mm SD=13.6; //Specific Density of Hg x1=Ms/(Ms+Mw); //Dryness Fraction P=(P1/SD)+P2; //Pressure in mm P=1.01325; //Pressure in bar //Now at 7.5 bar pressure Hf1=709.2; //in kJ/kg Hfg1=2057.0; //in kJ/kg //Now at 1.01325 bar Hg2=2676.0; //in kJ/kg Tsat=100+273; //in K Cps=2.1; //in kJ/kg K Tsup=110+273; //in K //For throttling H1=H2 H2=Hg2+(Cps*(Tsup-Tsat)); x2=(H2-Hf1)/Hfg1; x=x1*x2; printf('The dryness fraction of steam: %2.3f',x); printf('\n');