clc // given that d = 9 // Diameter of ore of wire in mm P_b = 180 // Threshold optical power for Brillouin scattering in mW P_r = 1.9 // Threshold optical power for Raman scattering W nu = 1 // Bandwidth in GHz // Sample Problem 11 on page no. 278 printf("\n # PROBLEM 11 # \n") ratio = P_b*1e-3/P_r // Calculation of ratios of powers lambda = ratio*5.9*1e-2*(d*1e-3)^2/(4.4*1e-3*(d*1e-3)^2) // Calcualtion of wavelength printf("\n Standard formula used \n P_b = 4.4*1e-3*d^2*lambda^2*alpha.\nP_r = 5.9*1e-3*d^2*lambda^2*alpha \n") printf("\n wavelength of laser is %fmicron. ",lambda)