//Example 5.3.b: Flux density clc; clear; close; //given data : I1=5;// in A I2=10;// in A N1=100;// number of turns N2=200;//number of turns l=30*10^-2;// in m R=200;// in ohm theta1=45;// in degree theta2=30;// in degree As=0.3*10^-4;// in m^2 M=100*10^-3;// in H k=(2*M*I1)/(R*theta1); H=(N1*I2)/l; fi=(R*k*theta2)/(2*N2); B=fi/As; mu=H/B; disp(B,"Flux density,B(Wb/m^2) = ") disp(mu,"permeability,mu(H/m) = ") //flux density is calculed wrong in the textbook