//scilab 5.4.1 //Windows 7 operating system //chapter 9 Basic Voltage and Power Amplifiers clc clear //In a class B push pull circuit //Transformer winding resistances are to be ignored n=3//n=primary-to-secondary turns ratio of a transformer RL=9//RL=load resistance in ohms VCC=15//VCC=collector supply voltage RL1=((n/2)^2)*RL//RL1=reflected load resistance for one transistor Pactot=(VCC^2)/(2*RL1)//Pactot=maximum output power format("v",5) disp("W",Pactot,"The maximum output power is =") Pstot=(2*VCC^2)/(%pi*RL1)//Pstot=the maximum dc power supplied to the two transistors format("v",5) disp("W",Pstot,"The maximum dc power supplied is =") n=(Pactot/Pstot)*100//n=efficiency format("v",5) disp("%",n,"The efficiency is =")