//scilab 5.4.1 //Windows 7 operating system //chapter 23 Lasers,Fibre Optics,and Holography clc clear h=6.62*10^-34//h=Planck's constant c=3*10^8//c=velocity of light in vacuum in m/s y=632.8*10^-9//y=emitted wavelength in m E=(h*c)/y//E=emitted photon energy in Joules e=15.2*10^-19//e=energy of 2p level in Joules P=E+e//P=Pumping energy required for transition from 3s to 2p level in a He-Ne laser disp("eV",P/(1.6*10^-19),"The desired pumping energy is =") format("v",10)