//scilab 5.4.1 //Windows 7 operating system //chapter 21 Communication Systems clc clear R=6400//R=radius of the earth in km He=110//He=height of the E layer above the earth surface in km ime=asin(R/(R+He))//ime=angle corresponding to maximum frequency fmE for E layer in radian format("v",10) o=(%pi/2)-ime//o=angle made by the incident ray at the centre of the earth in degrees format("v",5) L=2*o*R//L=maximum distance between the transmitting and the receiving points on the earth surface for single hop transmission of the radiowave reflected from the E layer format("v",5) disp("km",L,"The maximum distance for single hop transmission is =") //Answer given in textbook is 2459 km which is incorrect as it is actually around 2356 km.