//scilab 5.4.1 //Windows 7 operating system //chapter 13 Field-Effect Transistors clc clear //For a n-channel JFET IDSS=10*10^-3//IDSS=saturation drain current in Ampere when VGS(gate-to-source voltage)=0V Vp=(-4)//Vp=pinch-off voltage VGS=(-2.5)//VGS=gate-to-source voltage //By Shockley's equation IDS=IDSS*(1-(VGS/Vp))^2//IDS=saturation drain current to be calculated for given value of VGS format("v",5) disp("mA",IDS/10^-3,"The drain current for given value of VGS is=")//converting IDS in terms of mA VDSmin=VGS-Vp//VDSmin=minimum value of drain-to-source voltage for the onset of the saturation region format("v",5) disp("V",VDSmin,"The minimum value of VDS for saturation is=")