//scilab 5.4.1 //Windows 7 operating system //chapter 13 Field-Effect Transistors clc clear //r given in textbook is taken as rd afterwards.Hence r=rd rd=100*10^3//rd=drain resistance in ohms gm=3500*10^-6//gm=transconductance in terms of A/V (or S) RL=5*10^3//RL=load resistance in ohms u=rd*gm//u=amplification factor AV=(u*RL)/(((u+1)*RL)+rd)//AV=voltage gain format("v",6) disp(AV,"The voltage gain is=") Ro=rd/(u+1)//Ro=output resistance excluding RL format("v",5) disp("ohm",Ro,"The output resistance excluding RL is =") Ro1=(rd*RL)/(rd+((u+1)*RL))//Ro1=Ro'=output resistance including RL format("v",6) disp("ohm",floor(Ro1),"The output resistance including RL is=")//floor function is used to round down the value