clear; clc; //Example 2.5 //Caption : Program To Find The degree of freedom for the various systems //Formula To be Used F=2-#+N (Where,#(pi)-no of phases,N-number of chemical species) //(a)-Liquid Water in equllibrium with its vapour. N=1; pi=2; F=2-pi+N; disp(F,'(a)Degree Of freedom is'); //(b)-Liquid Water in equllibrium with a mixture of vapour and nitrogen. N=2; pi=2; F=2-pi+N; disp(F,'(b)Degree Of freedom is'); //(c)-A liquid Soln of alcohol in water in equillibrium with its vapour N=2; pi=2; F=2-pi+N; disp(F,'(c)Degree Of freedom is'); //End