//Find the covolution Of the following signals. //Example 4.12 clc; clear; close; t=-5:.01:5; for i=1:length(t) if t(i)>=0 & t(i)<=2 then x(i)=sin(%pi*t(i)); else x(i)=0; end if t(i)<1 | t(i)>3 then h(i)=0; else h(i)=1; end end y=convol(h,x);//convolution of the above two signals is done here. subplot(3,1,1); plot(t,h,'red'); xtitle('input response 2','t','h[t]'); subplot(3,1,2); plot(t,x,'blue'); xtitle('input response 2','t','x[t]'); subplot(3,1,3); t1=-10:.01:10; plot(t1,y,'green'); xtitle('output response','t','y[t1]'); //Find the covolution Of the following signals. //Example 4.12 clc; clear; close; t=-5:.01:5; for i=1:length(t) if t(i)<0 then x(i)=0; elseif t(i)<1 then x(i)=1+t(i); elseif t(i)<2 then x(i)=1-t(i); else x(i)=0; end if t(i)<0 | t(i)>2 then h(i)=0; else h(i)=1; end end y=convol(h,x); subplot(3,1,1); plot(t,h,'red'); xtitle('input response 2','t','h[t]'); subplot(3,1,2); plot(t,x,'blue'); xtitle('input response 2','t','x[t]'); subplot(3,1,3); t1=-10:.01:10; plot(t1,y,'green'); xtitle('output response','t','y[t1]');