//Example 7.13, Page no.281 clear clc Ga=60 //Antenna Gain in dB Ta= 60 //Noise teperature of Antenna L1=1.12 //Feeder Loss equivalent to dB T1=290 //Noise teperature of stage 1 G2=10^6 //Gain of stage 2 in dB T2=140 //Noise teperature of stage 2 T3=10000 //Noise teperature of stage 3 G=Ga-0.5 // input of low noise amplifier Ts=(Ta/L1)+(T1*(L1-1)/L1)+T2+(T3/G2) Ts=floor(Ts*100)/100 x=G-10*log10(Ts) printf("Tsi = %.2fK\n\n G/T(in dB/K)= %.0f dB/K",Ts,x)