//Discrete Time Fourier Transform of //x[n]= (a^abs(n)) |a|<1 clear; clc; close; // DTS Signal a = 0.5; max_limit = 10; n = -max_limit+1:max_limit-1; x = a^abs(n); // Discrete-time Fourier Transform Wmax = 2*%pi; K = 4; k = 0:(K/1000):K; W = k*Wmax/K; XW = x* exp(-sqrt(-1)*n'*W); XW_Mag = real(XW); W = [-mtlb_fliplr(W), W(2:1001)]; // Omega from -Wmax to Wmax XW_Mag = [mtlb_fliplr(XW_Mag), XW_Mag(2:1001)]; //plot for abs(a)<1 figure subplot(2,1,1); plot2d3('gnn',n,x); xtitle('Discrete Time Sequence x[n] for a>0','n','x[n]') subplot(2,1,2); plot2d(W,XW_Mag); xtitle('Discrete Time Fourier Transform X(exp(jW))','w','|X(exp(jW))|')