// Continuous Time Fourier Transforms of // Sinusoidal waveforms 3cos(2*pi*t) clear; clc; close; // CTFT t=-10:0.01:10; x=3*cos(2*%pi*t); subplot(2,1,1) plot(t,x); xtitle("CT signal x(t)","t","x(t)"); T1 = 2; T = 4*T1; Wo = 6*%pi/T; W = [-Wo,0,Wo]; ak = (2*%pi*Wo*T1/%pi); XW =[ak,0,ak]; subplot(2,1,2) plot2d3('gnn',W,real(XW)); xlabel(' W'); xtitle('CTFT of cos(Wot)','W','X(jW)') n=-10:10; W1=4*%pi; W2=8*%pi; W3=3*%pi; T1=(2*%pi)/W1; T2=(2*%pi)/W2; T3=(2*%pi)/W3; x1=3*cos(2*%pi*n*T1); x2=3*cos(2*%pi*n*T2); x3=3*cos(2*%pi*n*T3); figure(1) subplot(3,1,1) plot2d3('gnn',n,x1); xtitle("X(t) sampled at Ws=4*pi","n","x1[n]"); subplot(3,1,2) plot2d3('gnn',n,x2); xtitle("X(t) sampled at Ws=8*pi","n","x2[n]"); subplot(3,1,3) plot2d3('gnn',n,x3); xtitle("X(t) sampled at Ws=3*pi","n","x3[n]");