//chapter 12 //example 12.8 //page 491 printf("\n") printf("given") Ve1=5;Vce1=3;Vce2=3;Vbe=.7;Vcc=14;Rl=40*10^3; Vb2=Ve1+Vce1 Vc1=Vb2; Ve2=Vb2-Vbe Vr5=Vcc-Ve2-Vce2 R5=Rl/10//use 3.9Kohm satandard value R5=3.9*10^3; Ic2=Vr5/R5 R6=Ve2/Ic2//use 8.2Kohm as standard and recalculate R6=8.2*10^3; Ic2=Ve2/R6 Vr3=Vcc-Vc1 disp(" Ic1>>Ib2,select Ic1=1mA") Ic1=1*10^-3; R3=Vr3/Ic1//use standard value as 5.6Kohm and recalculate Ic1 in order ti keep Vb2=8V R3=5.6*10^3; Ic1=Vr3/R3 R4=Ve1/Ic1 Vr2=Ve1+Vbe Vr1=Vcc-Ve1-Vbe R2=10*R4 I2=(Ve1+Vbe)/R2 R1=(Vr1*R2)/Vr2