mu_not=4D-7*%pi H=3500//ampere turns per metre of flux path length l=%pi*40D-2//length of mean flux path in ring AT=H*l N=440//no. of turns on coil I=AT/N//exciting current mprintf("Exciting current=%d A\n",round(I)) B=.9//flux density A=15D-4//cross-sectional area of ring phi=B*A L=N*phi/I mprintf("Self-inductance of coil=%f H\n",L) //solving part(iii) l=(l-1/10^2)//length of mean flux path in steel ring ATi=H*l//ampere turns required for iron portion ATg=.796*B*1D-2*1D+6//ampere turns for air gap AT=ATi+ATg I=AT/N mprintf("When an air gap 1 cm long is cut in the ring, exciting current I=%f A and self inductance of coil=%f H\n",I,N*phi/I)