mu_not=4D-7*%pi phi=.0006//flux A=5.5D-4//cross-sectional area of ring B=phi/A h=[0 200 400 500 600 800 1000] b=[0 .4 .8 1 1.09 1.17 1.19] plot2d(h,b) xtitle("B-H curve for example 4.8", "H(ampere turns per metre)", "B(Wb/m^2)") H=600//corresponding to B from B-H curve L=270D-2//length of ring Lg=4.5D-3//length of air gap Li=L-Lg//length of flux path in iron portion of ring ATi=H*Li ATg=.796*B*Lg*1D+6 AT=round(ATi)+round(ATg) mprintf("Total ampere turns=%d", AT) //error in textbook answer