Po=60D+3//full load output of the motor e=0.905//efficiency of the motor Pin=Po/e V=400//applied voltage I=Pin/V//line current drawn by the motor Rsh=200//resistance of the shunt field winding Ish=V/Rsh Ia=I-Ish Ra=0.1//armature resistance Eb=V-Ia*Ra A=2//no. of parallel paths in armature winding P=4//no. of poles phi=45D-3//flux per pole Z=450//total number of conductors N=round(60*Eb*A/(P*phi*Z)) mprintf("Full load speed=%d rpm\n",N) //calculating armature torque Ta=0.159*P*phi*Ia*Z/A mprintf("Torque developed by the armature of the DC motor=%f N-m\n",Ta) //calculating useful torque Psh=60D+3//shaft power Tsh=60*Psh/(2*%pi*N) mprintf("Useful torque=%f N-m",Tsh) //error in the textbook answer for useful torque