// Grob's Basic Electronics 11e // Chapter No. 28 // Example No. 28_13 clc; clear; // Solve for Vb, Ve, Ic, Vc, and Vce. Also, calculate Ic(sat) and Vce(off). Finally, construct a dc load line showing the values of Ic(sat), Vce(off), Icq, and Vceq. // Given data R1 = 33*10^3; // Resistor 1=33 kOhms R2 = 5.6*10^3; // Resistor 2=5.6 kOhms Rc = 1.5*10^3; // Collector resistance=1.5 kOhms Re = 390; // Emitter resistance=390 Ohms Bdc = 200; // Beta(dc)= 200 Vcc = 18; // Supply voltage = 18 Volts Vbe = 0.7; // Base-Emmiter Voltage=0.7 Volts Vb = Vcc*(R2/(R1+R2)); disp (Vb,'The Base Voltage in Volts') Ve = Vb-Vbe; disp (Ve,'The Emmiter Voltage in Volts') Ie = Ve/Re; // Emitter current Ic = Ie; Vc = Vcc-(Ic*Rc); disp (Vc,'The Collector Voltage in Volts') disp ('Appox 10.65 Volts') Vce = Vcc-(Ic*(Rc+Re)); disp (Vce,'The Collector-Emitter Voltage in Volts') disp ('Appox 8.74 Volts') Icsat = Vcc/(Rc+Re); disp (Icsat,'The Current Ic(sat) in Amps') disp ('i.e 9.52 mAmps') Vceoff = Vcc; disp (Vceoff,'The Voltage Vce(off) in Volts') Icq = Ic Vceq = Vce Vce1=[Vcc Vceq 0] Ic1=[0 Icq Icsat] //To plot DC load line printf("Q(%f,%f)\n",Vceq,Icq) plot2d(Vce1, Ic1) plot(Vceq,Icq,".r") plot(0,Icq,".r") plot(Vceq,0,".r") plot(0,Icsat,".b") plot(Vceoff,0,".b") xlabel("Vce in Volt") ylabel("Ic in mAmps") xtitle("DC Load-line for Voltage Divider-Biased Transistor Circuit")