// scilab Code Exa 18.29 Centrifugal compressor with vaned diffuser T01=310; // in Kelvin p01=1.103; // Initial Pressure in bar dh=0.10; // hub diameter in m d2=0.55; // impeller diameter in m c1=100; // Velocity of air at the entry of inducer c3=c1; // Velocity of air at diffuser exit shi=1.035; // power input factor mu=0.9; // slip factor m=7.5; // in kg/s gamma=1.4; N=15e3; // rotor Speed in RPM disp("(a)for radially tipped blades") cp=1005; // Specific Heat at Constant Pressure in J/(kgK) R=287; n_tt=0.81; // total to total efficiency T1=T01-((c1^2)/(2*cp)); p1=p01*((T1/T01)^(gamma/(gamma-1))); ro1=(p1*1e5)/(R*T1); A1=m/(ro1*c1); dt=sqrt((A1*4/(%pi))+(dh^2)); disp("cm",dt*1e2,"(i)tip diameter of the inducer at entry is") d1=0.5*(dt+dh); // Mean Blade ring diameter u1=%pi*d1*N/60; w1=sqrt((u1^2)+(c1^2)); a1=sqrt(gamma*R*T1); M1_rel=w1/a1; disp(M1_rel,"(ii)the Relative Mach number at inducer blade entry Mw1=") u2=%pi*d2*N/60; w_st=shi*mu*(u2^2); T02=T01+(w_st/cp); T02s=T01+(n_tt*(T02-T01)); pr_0=(T02s/T01)^(gamma/(gamma-1)); disp(pr_0,"(iii)stagnation pressure ratio developed is") P=m*cp*(T02-T01); disp("kW",P*1e-3,"(iv)the power required is") disp("(b)for vaned diffuser") c_theta2=mu*u2; // velocity of whirl(swirl component) at the impeller exit // vaneless space between the impeller exit and the vaned diffuser entry=0.1*impeller radius //r2s=r2*1.1; // width of the casing after the impeller exit=1.4*impeller passage width c_theta2s=c_theta2/(1.1*1.4); cr2=c1; cr2s=cr2/(1.1*1.4); c2s=sqrt((cr2s^2)+(c_theta2s^2)); alpha2s=atand(cr2s/c_theta2s); disp("degree",alpha2s,"(i)the direction of flow at the diffuser entry is alpha2s=") T2s=T02-((c2s^2)/(2*cp)); a2s=sqrt(gamma*R*T2s); M2s=c2s/a2s; disp(M2s,"(ii)the Mach number at the diffuser entry is") Ar=c2s/c3; d3_2s=1.16; // d3/d2s from last trial given in the book alpha3=acosd(cosd(alpha2s)/d3_2s); Ar_v=d3_2s*sind(alpha3)/(sind(alpha2s)); disp(Ar_v,"(iii)Area ratio of the vaned diffuser is") T03=T02; T3=T03-((c3^2)/(2*cp)); pr3_1=(((T3*T01)/(T1*T03))^(gamma/(gamma-1)))*pr_0; disp(pr3_1,"(iv)the static pressure ratio of the compressor is") disp("comment: Calculations in the book are wrong in the beginning itself for p1. so the values slightly differs here only for part(a)")