//Chapter 7, Problem 5 clc funcprot(0) // A = p2z(R,Theta) - Convert from polar to rectangular form. // R is a matrix containing the magnitudes // Theta is a matrix containing the phase angles (in degrees). function [A] = p2z(R,Theta) A = R*exp(%i*%pi*Theta/180); endfunction // [R1, Theta1] = z2p(A1) - Display polar form of complex matrix. function [R1, Theta1] = z2p(A1) Theta1 = atan(imag(A1),real(A1))*180/%pi; R1=sqrt(real(A1)^2+imag(A1)^2) endfunction //transistor s-parameter s11=p2z(0.28,-58) s12=p2z(0.08,92) s21=p2z(2.1,65) s22=p2z(0.8,-30) f=1e9 //frequency in hertz vce=15 //collector to emitter voltage ic=5e-3 //collector current in ampere Zs=35-%i*60 //source impedance in ohm Zl=50-%i*50 //load impedance in ohm K=1.168 //Rollett stability factor g=7.94 //desired gain R=50 //resistance in ohm [s11m,s11a]=z2p(s11) [s22m,s22a]=z2p(s22) [s21m,s21a]=z2p(s21) [s12m,s12a]=z2p(s12) Ds=s11*s22-s12*s21 [Dsm,Dsa]=z2p(Ds) D2=s22m^2-Dsm^2 C2=s22-(Ds*conj(s11)) G=g/s21m^2 ro=(G*conj(C2))/(1+(D2*G)) po=sqrt(1-(2*K*s12m*s21m*G)+(s12m*s21m)^2*G^2)/(1+(D2*G)) //The Smith chart construction is shown in Figure 7.5. The transistor’s output network must transform the actual load impedance into a value that falls on the constant gain 9 dB circle. By plotting, we get Arc AB = series C = –j2.0 ohm and Arc BC = shunt L = –j0.41 S r=2 y=0.4 C1=1/(2*%pi*f*r*R) L1=R/(2*%pi*f*y) //For a conjugate match at the input to the transistor, the desired source reflection coefficient must be calculated as follows refl=p2z(0.82,13) //point C in figure 7.5 refs=conj(s11+((s12*s21*refl)/(1-(s22*refl)))) [refsm,refsa]=z2p(refs) //The point is plotted as point D in Figure 7.6. The actual normalised source impedance is plotted at point A (0.7 – j1.2) ohm. The input network must transform the actual impedance at point A to the desired impedance at point D. we get Arc AB = shunt C2 = j0.63 S, Arc BC = series L2 = j1.08 ohm, Arc CD = shunt C3 = j2.15 S y1=0.63 r1=1.08 y2=2.15 C2=y1/(2*%pi*f*R) L2=r1*R/(2*%pi*f) C3=y2/(2*%pi*f*R) printf("For output matching network,\n\n") printf("C1 = %.2f pF\n",C1*10^12) printf("L1 = %.1f nH\n\n",L1*10^9) printf("For input matching network,\n\n") printf("C2 = %.1f pF\n",C2*10^12) printf("L2 = %.1f nH\n\n",L2*10^9) printf("C3 = %.1f pF\n",C3*10^12) printf("The completed design (minus biasing network) is shown in Figure 7.7")