//Chapter 3, Problem 11, Figure 3.16(a), 3.18 clc Zs=50+%i*0 //impedance in ohm Zl=100+%i*0 //impedance in ohm //using one quarter wave transformer in the circuit of figure 3.16(a) Z0=sqrt(Zs*Zl) //Use two quarter-wave transformers as in Figure 3.18 Z0t=sqrt(Zl/Zs) Z0t2=60 Z0t1=Z0t2*Z0t //using table 3.3 x=[0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4] y=[-13.83,-19.28,-60,-19.28,-13.83] clf; x1=[0.6,0.8,1.0,1.2,1.4] y1=[-18.81,-32.09,-38.69,-32.09,-18.81] plot(x,y,".r") plot(x1,y1,".b") legend("one h/4","Two h/4") xtitle("reflection coefficient vs frequency","frequency (GHz)","Reflection coefficient (dB)"); printf("(a) Matching network using one λ/4 transformer,\n\t Z0 = %.2f ohm\n\n",Z0) printf("(b) Matching network using two λ/4 transformers,\n Ratio of Z0t1 and Z0t2 = %.3f\n",Z0t) printf("If I choose a value of 60 ohm for Z0t2, then Z0t1 = %.2f ohm\n\n",Z0t1)