clc; VO=0.21; VN=0.79; n=3.5; nO=VO*n; nN=VN*n nC=1; m_O=32; m_N=28; m_C=44; mO=m_O*nO; mN=m_N*nN; mC=m_C*nC; m=mO+mN+mC; disp("total mass is:"); disp("kg",m); //percentage of carbon is mc=12; P=mc*100/m; disp("percentage of carbon is:"); disp("%",P) n=nO+nN+nC; m_=[nO*m_O/n]+[nN*m_N/n]+[nC*m_C/n] R_=8.3145; R=R_/m_; disp("specific gas constant for the mix is:"); disp("kJ/kg K",R); T=288;//K p=1;//bar v=R*T*10^3/(p*10^5); disp("specific volume of the mix at 1 bar and 15 C is"); disp("m^3/kg",v)