clc clear //Input data n=4//Four cylinder four stroke d=7.5//Bore in cm L=8.75//Stroke in cm r=6//Compression ratio n1=55//Efficiency in percent g=1.4//ratio of specific heats N=2400//Speed in r.p.m pm=7//Brake mean effective pressure in kg/cm^2 m=9//Mass of fuel per hour in kg CV=10500//Calorific Value in kcal/kg //Calculations an=(1-(1/r)^(g-1))*100//Air standard efficiency in percent In=(an*n1)/100//Indicated thermal efficiency in percent. In textbook, answer is wrong BHP=(pm*(3.14/4)*d^2*(L/100)*(N/2)*n)//Brake horse power in kg.m/min Bth=((BHP*60)/(427*CV*m))*100//Brake thermal efficiency in percent nm=(Bth/In)*100//Mechanical efficiency in percent Sc=((4500*60)/(427*(Bth/100)*CV))//Specific consumption in g/ //Output printf('Indicated thermal efficiency is %3.1f percent \n Brake thermal efficiency is %3.1f percent \n Mechanical efficiency is %3.1f percent \n Specific fuel consumption is %3.3f kg/',In,Bth,nm,Sc)