clc clear d=0.25//Diameter of the cylinder in m L=0.35//Stroke in m Cv=1500//Clearance volume in c.c s=5//cut off ratio takes place at 5 percent of stroke a=1.4//Explosion ratio g=1.4//Ratio of specific heats for air //Calculations Vs=(3.14/4)*d^2*L//Stroke volume in m^3 r=(Vs*10^6+Cv)/Cv//Compression ratio k=(Cv+((s/100)*Vs*10^6))/Cv//Cut off ratio na=(1-((1/(r^(g-1)))*((a*k^g-1)/((a-1)+a*g*(k-1)))))*100//Air standard efficiency in percent //Output printf('The air standard efficiency of the engine is %3.1f percent',na)