//To find teeth and speed clc //Given: TC=28, TD=26, TE=18, TF=TE //Solution: //The sketch is as in Fig. 13.12 //Number of teeth on wheels A and B: //From geometry, dA = dC+2*dE, and dB = dD+2*dF //Since the number of teeth are proportional to their pitch circle diameters, TA=TC+2*TE TB=TD+2*TF //Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and wheel A is fixed: //Since the arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of Table 13.7, y=-100 x=-y //Calculating the speed of wheel B NB1=y+x*(TA/TC)*(TD/TB) //Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and wheel A is fixed, rpm //Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and wheel A makes 10 rpm counter clockwise: //Since the arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise, therefore from the fourth row of Table 13.7, y=-100 x=10-y //Calculating the speed of wheel B NB2=y+x*(TA/TC)*(TD/TB) //Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and wheel A makes 10 rpm counter clockwise, rpm //Solution: printf("\n\n Number of teeth on wheel A, TA = %d.\n\n",TA) printf(" Number of teeth on wheel B, TB = %d.\n\n",TB) printf(" Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and wheel A is fixed = %.1f rpm, clockwise.\n\n",-NB1) printf(" Speed of wheel B when arm G makes 100 rpm clockwise and wheel A makes 10 rpm counter clockwise = %.1f rpm, counter clockwise.\n\n",NB2)