//To find the number of teeth clc //Given: rAD=12 //Speed ratio, NA/ND mA=3.125, mB=mA, mC=2.5, mD=mC, x=200 //mm //Solution: //Calculating the speed ratio between the gears A and B, and C and D rAB=sqrt(rAD) //Speed ratio between the gears A and B rCD=sqrt(rAB) //Speed ratio between the gears C and D //Calculating the ratio of teeth on gear B to gear A rtBA=rAB //Ratio of teeth on gear B to gear A //Calculating the ratio of teeth on gear D to gear C rtDC=rCD //Ratio of teeth on gear D to gear C //Calculating the number of teeth on the gears A and B //Distance between the shafts, x = mA*TA/2+mB*TB/2, or (mA/2)*TA+(mB/2)*TB = x .....(i) //Ratio of teeth on gear B to gear A, TB/TA = sqrt(12), or sqrt(12)*TA-TB = 0 .....(ii) A=[mA/2 mB/2; sqrt(12) -1] B=[x; 0] V=A \ B TA=int(V(1)) TB=round(V(2)) //Calculating the number of teeth on the gears C and D //Distance between the shafts, x = mC*TC/2+mD*TD/2, or (mC/2)*TC+(mD/2)*TD = x .....(iii) //Ratio of teeth on gear D to gear C, TD/TC = sqrt(12), or sqrt(12)*TC-TD = 0 .....(iv) A=[mC/2 mD/2; sqrt(12) -1] B=[x; 0] V=A \ B TC=round(V(1)) TD=int(V(2)) //Results: printf("\n\n Number of teeth on gear A, TA = %d.\n\n",TA) printf(" Number of teeth on gear B, TB = %d.\n\n",TB) printf(" Number of teeth on gear C, TC = %d.\n\n",TC) printf(" Number of teeth on gear D, TD = %d.\n\n",TD)