//To find angular velocities clc //Given: TA=12, TB=30, TC=14 NA=1, ND=5 //rps //Solution: //Number of teeth on wheels D and E: //Calculating the number of teeth on wheel E TE=TA+2*TB //Calculating the number of teeth on wheel E TD=TE-(TB-TC) //Magnitude and direction of angular velocities of arm OP and wheel E: //Calculating the values of x and y //From the fourth row of Table 13.10, -x-y = -1, or x+y = 1 .....(i) //Also, x*(TA/TB)*(TC/TD)-y = 5 .....(ii) A=[1 1; (TA/TB)*(TC/TD) -1] B=[1; 5] V=A \ B x=V(1) y=V(2) //Calculating the angular velocity of arm OP omegaOP=-y*2*%pi //Angular velocity of arm OP, rad/s //Calculating the angular velocity of wheel E omegaE=(x*TA/TE-y)*2*%pi //Angular velocity of wheel E, rad/s //Results: printf("\n\n Number of teeth on wheel E, TE = %d.\n\n",TE) printf(" Number of teeth on wheel D, TD = %d.\n\n",TD) printf(" Angular velocity of arm OP = %.3f rad/s, counter clockwise.\n\n",omegaOP) printf(" Angular velocity of wheel E = %.2f rad/s, counter clockwise.\n\n",omegaE)