//To find power transmitted clc //Given: T0=2000 //N mu0=0.3 theta=150*%pi/180 //radians r2=200/1000, d2=2*r2 //m N2=500//rpm //Solution: //Calculating the velocity of the belt v=%pi*d2*N2/60 //m/s //Calculating the tensions in the belt //Initial tension, T0 = (T1+T2)/2, or T1+T2 = 2*T0 //Ratio of the tensions in the belt, log(T1/T2) = mu*theta, or T1-T2*exp(mu*theta) = 0 A=[1 1; 1 -exp(mu*theta)] B=[2*T0; 0] V=A \ B T1=V(1) //N T2=V(2) //N //Calculating the power transmitted P=(T1-T2)*v/1000 //kW //Results: printf("\n\n Power transmitted, P = %.1f kW.\n\n",P)