//Exa 3.10.3 clc; clear; close; // Given data Eta = 1; V_T = 26;// in mV V_T= V_T*10^-3;// in V // I = I_o * (%e^(V/(Eta*V_T)) - 1) and I = -(0.9) * I_o; V= log(1-0.9)*V_T;// in V disp(V,"The voltage in volts is : ") // Part (ii) V1=0.05;// in V V2= -0.05;// in V ratio= (%e^(V1/(Eta*V_T))-1)/(%e^(V2/(Eta*V_T))-1) disp(ratio,"The ratio of the current for a forward bias to reverse bias is : ") // Part (iii) Io= 10;// in µA Io=Io*10^-3;// in mA //For V=0.1;// in V I = Io * (%e^(V/(Eta*V_T)) - 1);// in mA disp(I,"For v=0.1 V , the value of I in mA is : ") //For V=0.2;// in V I = Io * (%e^(V/(Eta*V_T)) - 1);// in mA disp(I,"For v=0.2 V , the value of I in mA is : ") //For V=0.3;// in V I = Io * (%e^(V/(Eta*V_T)) - 1);// in mA disp(I*10^-3,"For v=0.3 V , the value of I in A is : ") disp("From three value of I, for small rise in forward voltage, the diode current increase rapidly")