//Example No. 6.14 clc; clear; close; format('v',6); //Given Data : P=4;//pole f=50;//Hz r1=0.04;//ohm r1dash=0.04;//ohm r2dash=0.04;//ohm x1=0.2;//ohm x2dash=0.2;//ohm f1=20;//Hz k=f1/f;//ratio of frequencies Tmax20BYTmax50=(r1+sqrt(r1^2+(x1+x2dash)^2))/(r1/k+sqrt((r1/k)^2+(x1+x2dash)^2)); disp(Tmax20BYTmax50,"Ratio of max torque at 20 Hz to max Torque at 50 Hz : "); Tst20BYTst50=((r1+r2dash)^2+(x1+x2dash)^2)/k/((r1/k+r2dash/k)^2+(x1+x2dash)^2); disp(Tst20BYTst50,"Ratio of starting torque at 20 Hz to starting Torque at 50 Hz : "); //at 20 Hz : x11=x1*f1/f;//ohm x22dash=x2dash*f1/f;//ohm Ir20ByIr50=(f1/f)*[sqrt((r1+r2dash/r1dash)^2+(x1+x2dash)^2)]/[sqrt((r1+r2dash/r1dash)^2+(x11+x22dash)^2)]; disp(Ir20ByIr50,"Ratio of rotor current at 20 Hz to rotor current at 50 Hz : "); //Answer of rotor current ratio is wrong in the book.