clc clear //Input data A=14.5;//The air fuel ratio p2=0.825;//The pressure at the venturi throat in bar p1=1.013;//The atmospheric pressure in bar pd=37.5;//The pressure drop to the air cleaner in mm of Hg ma=260;//The mass flow rate of air in kg/h //Calculations pa=p1-p2;//Without air cleaner the depression at the throat in bar p21=p1-(pd/750)-pa;//The throat pressure when the air cleaner is fitted in bar pf=pa;//Pressure of fuel without air clesner in bar pf1=p1-p21;//Pressure of the fuel with air cleaner in bar Af=A*(pf/pf1)^(1/2);//Air fuel ratio with air cleaner //Output printf(' (a) The throat pressure when the air cleaner is fitted = %3.3f bar \n (b) The air fuel ratio with the air cleaner fitted = %3.2f ',p21,Af)